Hypnos | Why choose Hypnos?

Hypnos Beds at Lees Furnishers

Why choose Hypnos Beds at Lees?

Hypnos beds at Lees have been practising and perfecting the art of making luxury pocket spring beds by hand since Edwardian days. Hypnos have over 100 years of bed-making experience and insight into a great night’s sleep. Hypnos believe and commit to focus on the pursuit of perfection and the delivery of a deep, energising night’s rest, helping to fulfil dreams of a healthy and enjoyable life.

Hypnos are a British company and use master craftsmen to use traditional and time-honoured skills that have been passed down from generation to generation. They highlight British workmanship and focus on skills of crafted tradesman to make their beds.

Hypnos is renowned internationally as the expert in making handcrafted deep pocket spring beds, supplying beautiful bespoke beds to homes and hotels, and also to the world’s royalty, VIPs and celebrities. Combining traditional skills with constant innovation, and using the finest natural materials, Hypnos has a reputation for making the most comfortable beds in the world.

At Lees Furnishers we have an extensive collection of Hypnos beds and mattresses for you to try, choose and adapt to create your perfect nights sleep. The bedroom department at Lees is managed by Gail and Tracey, two skilled women who thrive on high standards and excellent quality furniture. If you need advise on your bed, mattress or bedroom simply call into our Lees Furnishers showroom and you will find Gail and Tracey available to help and answer any of your queries.

25th February 2020